Thursday, 5 July 2018

Do Not Plagiarize | Homework Help

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Student doing there homework

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Below are reasons I believe are important for an individual to seek custom homework help. For a start, end of term deadlines put a lot of pressure on a student to perform. Usually in such a scenario an individual usually ends up tempted to plagiarize and the internet has made this very possible for most individuals. Once you hit the search button you enter a world of literal data available for free. Plagiarism in itself is an academic crime. Punishments differ from one learning institution to another. Hence the reason one should seek custom essay writing services when under pressure and get a cheap custom essay written for them that will ensure they do not get plagiarized work.

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Source: Do Not Plagiarize | Homework Help

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Current Nursing Trends and Issues | Nursing Writing Service

Apart from the population that is aging, there is a steady transformation towards bioinformatics. This is another trend in nursing whereby there is dependence on bioinformatic due to the changing technology.For instance the use of technology when it comes to recording medical information for accuracy and accessibility. This challenges most of the nurses because some may lack knowledge in technology. Additionally, the shortage of nurses is also a current issue because of lack of degrees and  programmes that are advanced. This is an issue as it affects the patient especially when errors are made. The outcomes of the patients have also been affected by the introduction of evidence-based practices in the nursing profession. This encompasses the positive outcomes that promote the sense of ownership by nurses (Linda, Geraldine, & Katherine, 2012).

The paper aims at identifying one current nursing trend or issue that has had an impact on healthcare. The issue I intend to discuss is the implementation of evidence-based practices in the nursing profession. Evidence-based practices have enables the patients to have more positive results when receiving health care.

Background of the current trend or issue

According to Stevens (2013), implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) has had a huge impact on nursing as a profession. EBP has ensured that knowledge is applied in healthcare so that there can be improved outcomes for the patients. EBP is described as the integration of evidence that is dependent on research from the clinical expertise that ensures that the values of the patients are upheld. Through EBP, the preferences of the patients are included in healthcare. The definition of EBP touches on the clinician’s experience so that more knowledge is impacted in healthcare.

The process of EBP entails application of what has been researched in nursing as well as healthcare. This element ensures that advanced forms of evidence are obtained. The healthcare system is able to create new roles as well as teams. Shojania and Grimshaw (2005) affirm that EBP leads to other fields of sciences that help in building more evidenced-practices.

The introduction of EBP into the nursing arena has brought a major shift thus considered as a current trend or issue. The shift was seen in how nurses approach research in a bid to change healthcare in general.  They have contributed significantly in discovering new approaches that help in creating positive results for the patients. Nurses have become owners of their individual achievements as they are more involved in implementing, reporting and conducting various aspects in healthcare.

National experts have called for other recommendations that will transform healthcare. Through this, more nurses have directed their efforts towards initiatives that make them more valuable such as engaging in research developing models and theories and adopting various practices.

Impact of EBP

EBP has affected the nursing practice as well as education and research. For successful implementation of EBP, healthcare professionals and nurses need to ensure the adoption of policy makers and providers of individual care. The policy makers include state, federal, local and other regulatory bodies.

After its introduction, nurses have revealed a positive attitude towards EBP because of the desire to acquire more skills and knowledge about healthcare. Nurses have continuously led inter-professional teams so that the systems of delivery may be competent and with EBP, they have been able to change healthcare. The competencies they consider ensure appropriate use of their knowledge in making clinical decisions. Thus research on EBP mainly provides the evidence of various interventions to other providers. The main competencies for professions in healthcare include the following:

  1. Provision of care that is centered on patients-The differences, needs and preferences of the patients should be identified. This will help the professional to communicate effectively with the patient as well as their families.
  2. Utilizing interdisciplinary groups-Working in teams is helpful when it comes to integrated care since it ensures continuity and reliability.
  • Use of evidence-based practice-The values of the patients should be considered thus use of the appropriate research that can be integrated into practice.
  1. Use of informatics-This entails using technology to gather information and knowledge.
  2. Improvement of quality-Medical errors should be noted from time to time so that safety principles become applicable such as simplification and standardization.

EBP has helped in minimizing the issues of safety of the patients. However, there are certain challenges that are experienced when it comes to its implementation into nursing practice. First and foremost, a complex plan for implementation is required before the full adoption of evidence-based practice. Although a policy of agency can be set, sustaining it may bring more challenges.

Recommendations for managing evidence-based practice in nursing

There are various models that were developed earlier when EBP was first introduced. The models were created by nursing scientists so that the different aspects regarding EBP could be understood. Also, the models are crucial in designing the approach towards making decisions when it comes to evidence-based practices. There are forty-seven EBP models that are prominent.

One important aspect is the Ace Star Model of Knowledge Transformation. According to Stevens (2004), the model was established to provide an easier approach for evidence to be translated into practice. This encompasses comprehending how EBP is transformed into nursing.


Nursing practice has continued evolving from time to time. The environment of healthcare has been affected by various factors thus the need for the improvement in practices of healthcare. The trends experienced may be negative or positive or both. The changes are seen in the populations, technologies, shortages of nurses and integration if evidence-based research.

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Source: Current Nursing Trends and Issues | Nursing Writing Service

Global Nursing Shortage | Nursing Writing Service


The major aim of the assignment is to provide an overview of the different issues associated with the issue and actions of the global nursing shortages.

Review of literature

Like the many other aspects and spheres of life, globalization has emerged as one of the most important aspects that shape the practice of nursing and hence the overall global health provision in the new millennium. For example (Busse, 2011) Says, together with urbanization and digitization, globalization has overly shaped in the inherent patterns of both human existence and experience of the human societies on the global scale. In this great scheme of things, nursing as a profession has not been spared, instead, these eminent forces of globalization have combined to propel nursing profession as an integral part of the global phenomena. As a result (Adams, 2002) says, many sources have come to the agreement that, nursing as profession has evolved in to a global profession. For example the unlimited expansion of global awareness has clearly developed the different patterns within the nursing knowledge. None the less, such source also acknowledge that, there has been few attempts to grasp as wells develop a critical over view of the consequences of globalization in nursing as profession as it is addressed by the scholarly knowledge. For example in the words of (Karmel, 2002), different scholarly sources have cited globalization as a major force that has occasioned nursing shortages in many and different parts of the world. In addition in the context of nursing professional globalization has also been attributed to corresponding challenges over human vulnerability and other forms of equality. In addition, (ICN, 2003), Holds to the opinion that, according to many sources, globalization has been cited for creation of genral nursing shortages through the failure to duly strengthen the nursing discipline uniformly over the entire local and the global nursing scene.

Moreover, other literature sources have stressed the prevalence of the global trends towards a nursing justice and fairness as a deeper human right issue that needs to entail each person’s responsibility. For example some sources point out that in order to address the greater problem of global l nursing challenges, the entire world need to embrace the global shortage of nursing as a global agenda that must entail greater attention to duties, social justice and other health practice interdependence. In this regard, (Fitzpatrick, 2008) Says, such sources posit that, globalization will then perceive the global shortage in nursing professionals as or through the social and political collaboration of international organizations and people and thereby help to improve the health quality of different civil societies across the world. According to such sources, globalization can henceforth address the global nursing shortages through high mobility, economic interdependence as well as through other electronic and other interconnectedness that can be positively addressed through globalization. According to these sources, reeling under the increasing poverty the rapidly expanding global economy has failed to improve the prevailing nursing challenges all over the world.

On the other hand, according to many sources the increasing global shortage challenges has been highly impacted by the changing as well as other modifications during the last decades. As a result, nursing profession has the power to create a social consciousness over influencing basic social series and other health care aspects. As a result global nursing challenges can be conceived through a broader global picture. This way, the global competencies must be mastered through deconstruction of long held values, nursing polices, faculty knowledge, nursing education in addition to other research aspects that are highlighted as critical as important factors in addressing the global challenges of nursing shortages. For example (Fox, 2009) Says, different sources make the assertion that, the prevailing global challenges can be addressed through a reconstruction of nursing education, a critical reflection over the global nursing practice. These are important as a means of informing the enhanced the relevant political awareness. For instance, these sources hold the opinion that; fewer attempts have to conceptualize different global nursing in order to address the conclusive parts through the generated knowledge. Due to this, it is important for more sources to focus on global nursing in order to involve other critical paradigms such the perception of the entire issues from the perspective of cultural, social as well as ethnic differences or cultural diversity. Such an approach according to many sources can positively impact on the global nursing shortage through understanding how more students can be won in to the nurses course in clinical practice and well as be drawn in to the higher education whoich are already challenged to adopt a critical stance to such globalization and conceptualization in global nursing (CAN, 2002).

According to other sources, overcoming the global nursing challenges is one of the United Nations millennium goals. However according to the international council of nurse, the increasing high death of many nursing professionals is a great and stumbling block. This has led to a massive shortage of nursing professionals thereby highly occasioning achievement of universal health reduction of child mortality rates, improvement of the genral maternal health as well as the combatant of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. On the other hand, according to the high-level forum on health millennium development goal, the higher shortage of nursing professionals has led to the human resources crisis in the health sector that must be addressed urgently. For instance, in the words of (Stewart, 2004), under the high level forum over millennium development goals, health, the global health care and health provision is suffering a severe nursing challenges and shortage. This according to many literature reviews has been defined as the measure nursing staffing in each country in the perspective of the country’s health level needs, resources as well as estimated demand for health care services. However, the majority of the sources also acknowledge that, a nursing shortage is not easily quantifiable and can be defined different in different perspective such as professional capacity standards. For example, (Dovlo, 2004) Says, the level of the number of or the shortage of the nursing professionals that are needed to provide quality services; However, it can also be measured of defined from the economical perspective such as the required number of nurse or the available number of nurses for filling open positions. In the regard, the global nursing shortage becomes a complex issue in that within the context of each country there is a difference in the definition of nursing shortage as well as the role of the professions in the production of health care workers. Based on these sources, (NLN, 2004), Says, the meaning of nursing shortage in the global scene can be defined in the context of each country. However, in in such a situation, in order to understand the meaning of nursing shortages in each county will begin their understanding of nursing shortage through understanding how the shortage came about.


Today, the issue of nursing shortages has evolved in to global phenomena that is taking a deep tool as well as exerting an adverse impact over the global health systems around the world. This is despite the many and major initiatives by the international council of nurses (ICN) provision of critical information over the whole issue of nursing professional shortages in the world as well as different solutions ot the problem. Moreover, the issus continued to ravage the global health systems despite the combined efforts of the ICN together with other organizations that continue to provide relevant information over hos the nursing professional can be organized in to the five major priority areas such as policy intervention, macroeconomics and the health sector funding, nursing leadership, nursing workforce planning ad policy such as regulations, positive proactive nursing environment,  as well as the importance of both retention and recruitment together with migration.

However, at the international level, the momentum is building and this may have a great potential in addressing or at least bringing the pertinent issues in regard ot the matter to the attention of the relevant authorities for the right action to be taken. In this regard, this assignment has provided the relevant outline of the general overview of the whole phenomenon of global nursing shortage that has been recognized as a global crisis within the health sector since the year 2002. Moreover, the assignment has outlined and provided the different perspectives as outlined by the ICN in addition to discussing the different ICN’s intitives over the crisis. The ICN has been given prominence in this assignment in that having been founded in 1899; the ICN has since then evolved and emerged as the world’s leading, first and the largest organization for the nursing cadre of the health sector or for nurse as health professionals. For example it has emerged as federation of nurses association in over 129 countries world over. As a result the ICN represents over 17 million nurses to date working in different parts of the world. Moreover, the council works together with other health industry stakeholders in ensuring that, quality nursing care is provided for all through formulation and implantation of sound nursing policies globally, the advancement of nursing knowledge as well as through the presence of globally recognized and respected and competent nursing professional workforce.

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Source: Global Nursing Shortage | Nursing Writing Service

Is Nursing a Profession | Nursing Writing Service

On the other hand, in practice, this area of study entails the interplay of different global systems that combine to impact as well as well as drive the entire health care at different levels such as at the local, national as well as at the international levels. As a result of this, the term nursing stands out as profession through its character of a long term relationship in the process of health care provision which is mutually beneficial in addressing the different issues that spans borders.

Nursing Care

For example the practice of nursing incorporates in to the practice of medicine a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach that health in solving different health issues in different parts of the world. Moreover, continues to say that, the practice of nursing can be seen as a professional because it is not limited to one filed of practice in the medical profession. Instead, it applies across all the fields of medical expertise either directly or indirectly in way that impact on health care provision as well as impacts on the overall health well-being for all the people.

Additionally, in the words of, nursing practice can be described as a profession because by its nature, nursing practice forms an integral definition and provision of the global health care. Due to this, as a profession nursing practice has the potential; to help in shaping the relevant health care polices over how both general and specific health care should be provided. Moreover, it holds a critical role in the improvement of health care as well as health capacity of any society.

Source: Is Nursing a Profession | Nursing Writing Service

Mental Health Nursing 5006 | Nursing Writing Service

It helps addresses the mental health needs of people from the asylum seekers at the onset of settlement and over other longer term perspective. In this regard, the document is appropriate for this this assignment because it related to people from a culturally and linguistic diverse background. As a result the this assignment aims to provide a detailed critique of the policy programs in regard to the refugee health nurse program aspect of this strategy as outline in the health policy document.

The Refugee Health Nurse Program as outlined in the policy document diversity in health

According to the diversity in health policy document, the key policy point in regard to refuges and asylum seeker health and wel being needs to be planned around several key pillars. First, the country has of late been experiencing close to 4,000 refugees each year through different international and other national humanitarian programs. In addition to this, (VFST, 2010) estimates that, there is still another 10,000 people have arrived in to the Victorian community. The majorities of them arrive as asylum seekers with valid visas but are still waiting for the determination of their refugee status. As a result, victoria is increasingly becoming a great or large refuge host with the highest number of refugees in the entire Australia.

From this perspective, victoria is faced with the challenge of new arrivals with a complex but chronic physical and mental health conditions. All these must be addressed and hence the department of health and human services Have begun to work closely with the Victorian refugee health network in. the cooperation seeks to help Victorian health and human services department or sector in supporting the improvement of the health and the wellbeing of the people in this status as either refugees or asylum seekers. In this perspective, this assignment take a critical look at the refugee nurse program as outlined in the diversity in health policy document.

Mental Health Brain Image

In the report by (NSW, 2011), the refugee health program was previously refred to as the refugee health nurse program. None the less, it operates in those areas identified to have a higher number of newly arrived refugees as well as asylum seekers or both. Under the programs different health programs are provided by different nurses. Superficially, the refugees assigned health nurses undertake the initial health screening for the newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers. This helps to facilitate the proper access to genral practice and any other relevant specialist health care. This also helps them to identify and provide the relevant case management, education and any other necessary nursing care.

For example according to (WHO, 2010), they may refer clients to other support services such as housing as well as employment services as deemed necessary. However, despite the concerted efforts by the Australia health authorities to provide the necessary health care services, both the refugees and other asylum seekers arriving in the country have different health challenges. Some of these are not envisioned through the health policy document diversity in health. Due to this, the entire health care systems in the country may appear to fail to take in to consideration the basic health needs and circumstances of the different refugee camps. This too affect other marginalization to which refugees are exposed to owing to urban setting under which even the most basic health resources and series are scarce.

Typically, all the refugee and asylum settlements or holding settlements in the country do not have adequate access to safe drinking water, shelter, safety, adequate food, education or the basic health care services. As a result of these many of the easily preventable and controllable diseases such as malaria are very common. Additionally, the healthy policy document, diversity in health does not specifically address the issues of the poorly developed and disrupted health care facilities within the refugee’s settlement. However, this cannot be provided adequately.  This has exposed many of the refuges to traumatic events such as prolonged periods of deprivation, human rights abuses, loss of family memebrs as well as loss of both their identity and culture. As a result, the majority of the refugees are exposed to many negative experiences leading to multiple and complex health problems which may culminate in the developed of serious mental issues. For example the majority of refugees and asylum seekers arriving in Australia are exposed to severe mental health issues due to physical and psychological trauma, deprivation, prolonged poverty and poor access to health care. In any case given the reality that by their status, they are less likely to access both family and community support for different aspects of their lives up on their arrival in the country. In the face of these challenges, this health policy document diversity in health fails in its mission; to address or provide the means or systems of addressing these challenges as a means of ensuring a successful resettlement in Australia for such refigures over time.

The health policy document diversity in health can be improved to address the specific health needs of the refugees through health care as well as support during their early periods of their arrival and settlement in Australia. For starts, through the refugee health nurse program, the health policy document diversity in health should seek to provide a more coordinated health services support. This can be done through recruitment of more trained community nurses with the relevant experimented, expertise and competencies for working in culturally and linguistically diverse as well as marginalized new community in the country. according to the (VH, 2015)  Report, through such an approach, the health policy document diversity in health will then be able to improve the healthcare of the refugees community in the country through provision of health care by community based nurses. This will help to optimize the long term health of the refugee communities through promotion of accessible as well as culturally appropriate health care services. Moreover, it will help to promote the health care of the refugee community through changing their refugee’s settlement patterns.

With these many and major challenges experienced world over such as wars, conflict and other damages to lifestyle infrastructure in many countries, many people have fled their home coutnries for lack of access to basic health services. In this regard, the country has under the policy document refred to diversity in health sought to provide the necessary health care for different refugees and asylum seekers. This applied both during their journey through or during their stay in austral as the country of their first asylum search. In addition these people are also provided with safe drinking water as well as nutritious food.

However, this endeavor has faced several challenges at the policy level. First, the majority of these refugee and asylum seekers, their children and families have had a limited medical attention prior to their arrival in Australia. As a result they are unaware of the kind of either primary of preventive health care programs that they can access while in the country. In this perspective, the policy document diversity in health has sought to bring close to them different but the relevant and necessary health services such as

  • Mental health
  • Immunizations
  • Physical health
  • Maternal health
  • Oral health as well as
  • Good nutrition and other forms of healthy lifestyle.

According to a detail analysis of this health policy document, many challenges and problems have been experienced in by these people in the process of accessing health services in Australia. This was mainly due to language as well as due to other cultural barriers. For example these challenges have the potential to keep these people from knowing the kind of health care they may access. on the other hand, the entire health care systems has not always understood that due to many other problems in their lives, the majority of the refugees and other asylum seekers do not priorities their health problems and needs.


The social disconnect to which many refugees and other asylum seekers are exposed to upon their arrival in victoria leaves them to struggling with poor health. This is particularly significant in relation to their mental helth. It is further aggravated due to grief and anxiety related to separation from their loved ones. As a result the majority of them suffer from mental trauma either due to torture or resulting from conflict, guilty of having left their friends and families behind in conflict zones among other stresses. Additionally, the act of settling in a new country calls for a great deal to readjustment especially in cases where the relocation was unplanned as it happens with the majority of the refugees and other asylum seekers.

In this perspective, good health is a critical part of their successful resettlement and hence the health policy document, diversity in health seeks to remedy this. It is mainly aimed at streamlining the coordination of the necessary efforts amongst the refugees and other refugees support services providers in order to ensure that the refugee and asylum seekers health is treated as a priority and provided to them as soon as they arrive in Australia. However there have been several challenges which the practitioners have identified and sought to address in this health policy document among them; The cultural sensitivity in the entire health services, the screening of refugee families as well as early immunization, the need for the provision of interpreting services and the need for better coordination between as well as among different government providers and other health care professionals.



Source: Mental Health Nursing 5006 | Nursing Writing Service

Nursing Theories and Nursing Theorists | Nursing Writing Service

Dorothea Orem is an important scholar within the nursing fraternity through her self-care deficit nursing theory.  This theory in based on the nature of human beings as being able to adapt to their environment.  The nursing theory focuses on the ability of one to take care of themselves in order to recover. The self-care deficit nursing theory is grouped into various self-care requisites. These requisites are health deviation, universal self-care and developmental self-care.

Nursing Care

Health deviation requisites focus on those needs that arise due to patient’s conditions. Developmental self-care are either situational or maturational (Shah, Abdullah, & Khan, 2015).Situations focuses on effects connected to development whereas maturational deals with progress leading to increased maturation levels. Lastly universal self-care requisites focuses on needs that all people have.

The self-care deficit nursing theory focuses mainly on primary health care and rehabilitation. It encourages patients to strive to be independent regardless of the length of the illness (Taylor, 2006). Patients should always seek and secure appropriate medical help. The theory has been adopted widely.


McEwen, M., & Willis, E.Theoritcal Basis For Nursing. Philadephia. (2014)

Shah, M., Abdullah, A., & Khan, H. Orem’s Self- Care Deficit Theory and Roy’s Adaptation Model. International Journal of Nursing.(2015)

Taylor, S. G. (2006). Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing.(2006)

Nursing Writing Service  Link:



Source: Nursing Theories and Nursing Theorists | Nursing Writing Service

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  • Nursing and its Ethical Issues
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Popular topics for a Nursing paper

Wages in the nursing profession

Wages is a grey area for all nurses. In the past three decades, the average wages for nurses have changed significantly under the influence of various factors. We are able to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of nursing wages and how it has with time. Our conclusion shall inform the development of an informative case study on nursing wages.


The topic on death is widely used in nursing paper writing. It is an unavoidable process for every living thing. However, various cultures view death in different perspectives. Nurses need to be informed/aware of cultural differences concerning how patients view death. This sample paper may be lacking a clinical focus but is among the popular and crucial topics in today’s research on nursing.

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We at all stick to your guidelines, starting with general recommendations to the required formatting and style. We strive to ensure that we meet and exceed your expectations. Place your sample nursing papers from …… and you can be guaranteed of having a qualified writer to support you in your academic struggles.

When you place an order for a model nursing paper at Assignment Writing Service you can be assured that the writer will meet each and every detail of your task. We understand that nursing is a demanding profession. We understand that even a single detail can alter the diagnosis, which is why we are here to help you pass through barriers to effective learning. You will be able to receive your Chicago, Harvard, MLA or APA nursing paper prior to the deadline. We will explore the likeliest differential diagnoses and include evidence for justification of our conclusions. Our writers will ensure that proper formatting and citation requirements have been followed. Assignment Writing Service will provide you with a well-written and organized paper based on your needs. You only need to submit the necessary information about the kind of paper you wish to have.

Purchase Nursing Papers at Assignment Writing Service!

You do not need to be concerned or worried about anything when you are with Assignment Writing Service. We have gained the trust of our clients and a reputation of being a dependable nursing paper service supplier. You do not need to waste your time on low-quality nursing paper writing services, which hire unprofessional low-cost staffs and who are unable to meet your requirements. We always meet deadlines. We are constantly available and willing to discuss your paper. You can send your message or use our Live Chat.


Source: Nursing Writing Services | Nursing Assignment Help